Instructions for best use of the meta-search-engine for books
With you search through the catalogs of nearly 60,000 second hand bookshops, used and new book-sellers, all simultaneously and in real time. Over 250 million titles can be ordered immediately. With you can be sure to reach the highest hit ration and efficiency. replaces the tiresome search through various internet sources and book databases. itself does not own any books!/style}
. staff can not perform any searches, nor order any books on your behalf. You order the books you want directly from the seller through our online interface.
In case you do not find a book, will find it for you with the help of our exclusive blackboard.
Feature description
In order to understand the functionality and to be able to search efficiently please read the following instrutions.
- Search
- Advanced search
- To order
- Cancel an order
- Additional features of registered users:
- Description of the books
Type your search criteria (such as author, title, year, ...) in the search format. Select if you want to buy only from professional sellers and/or from private dealers as well, and whether you are looking for used or new books, and the language of the book(s) i.e. German, English, French, etc. you are looking for.
You do not need to type whole phrases in the fields such as author, title, etc.. It is mostly sufficient - and generally it also delivers better results - if you just type the most relevant keywords of the author's name and/or the book title.
For authors, do not include the first name since many second hand book shops abbreviate the first name merely with one letter;
thus sometimes it is counterproductive to state the authors first name since it might not be found.
When choosing the words to be typed into the form fields try to use words which appear as seldom as possible in other book titles. Words with less than 3 letters can be left out anyway, such words will be ignored by the search engine.
Please avoid punctuation marks (dot, comma, hyphen etc.) in your search since you can never be certain, whether the second hand book seller has used them that way in his book description. If you type a text in quotation marks (") / will look for exactly this text/title (including punctuation marks and spaces within the quotation marks). / supports wildcards with "*". This acts as a truncation character, that is, everything before the "*" is used as a word beginning. After the asterix (*) only a blank space may be included or nothing at all. It is sometimes useful for different spellings to execute multiple searches.
ISBN:. When you search for a specific ISBN, it is advisable NOT to specify any additional criteria such as publisher, author or title, since the ISBN already fully defines the book. Thus, search either by ISBN or by author and title, but never by both together. When using an ISBN eliminate the spaces and dashes between numbers, as frequently printed on book covers. Enter only numbers and the letter "X", if part of the ISBN. The ISBN exists in two variants, a 10-digit (older) and a 13-digit (newer) version which doubles as an EAN. In most cases it does not matter whether you are looking for the 10- or 13-digit version. To be absolutely sure you can perform two searches. Some platforms (such as E-Bay) support the ISBN search inadequately. Please be aware that many antiquarians do not specify the ISBN particularly for older works. Therefore we recommend to always additionally search by author and title, to find all available offers
Language:. / supports the language specification for a book. If you make this filter selection, we will only show those books for which we are sufficiently certain that these books are written in the selected language (eg "English"). Books for which the language is unknown or doubtful, are not displayed. Therefore, it may be that you missed out on a few offers that are written in the selected language, but for which we did not have enough assurance of the language accuracy. Try, therefore, whenever possible, to use the appropriate choice of title and/or keyword search in terms of the language of the book(s) you are looking for and use the language filter only with a high number of results.
Volume 1.2, I, II, etc .: In order to limit searches to certain volumes of book collections, or to discard specific volumes, is NOT advisable to add the indication of "Part 1" or "Volume I" and the likes. This is due to the fact that volumes are specified very differently by sellers as "1. Vol" or "V1", etc., rendering very unspecific search results. Enter instead, if possible, additional title information that apply only to this volume, (subtitles, possibly in the keyword field)
spelled in one or separate words: try to imagine how the bookseller could best describe the title. If a title could also be written in one word/line execute an additional search this way. If separate words are used omit hyphens and enter a blank space instead
Umlaut, special characters:. Umlauts are identified and adapted, thus "Müller" and "Mueller" should lead to the same result. Same goes for "ss" and "ß".
Print on demand:
In case you do not want a specific word to appear in the search results simply type a minus ("-") in front of the word. This way you can exclude undesired results; i.e. "-demand" excludes all books that have the word "demand" in the author, title or description fields. Herewith you can effectively exclude "print-on-demand" titles. Type in the words to be excluded in the "keyword" field.
In the field "keyword" you can search a specific range of years.
e.g. 1930-1950
Search results will only display books which are bearing the year date 1930 until 1950. You can also type in "<1930", that means that only books appear which were published prior to 1930.
Vice versa >1950 executes the search for books published after 1950.
Please be aware that we do not know the publishing year of all books, (e.g. in case the second hand book seller does not include this data in his catalog, or in case the partner platforms do not relay this information to us).
Due to the fact that the printing year data as a rule is not submitted to in a separate field by the partner platforms, a search for year dates makes sense only when the author and/or title is also being searched for. examines the results stemming from the partner platforms/market places in all relevant text fields for "reasonable" year/date information. Accordingly algorithms determine the year of publication, but we can't be 100% certain that this is the correct date.
In case you are looking for ISBN-numbers, type in only the ISBN-number of the book you are searching for. Please be aware that many second hand book sellers do not provide the ISBN-number of the book. Therefore the search for ISBN-numbers (only) often is not very successful. If that is the case you can then search for author and title (without typing in the ISBN-number). This mostly yields better results. In case you don't know the author and/or title corresponding to a certain ISBN-number, you can for example look for this ISBN-number at the national library in Frankfurt or execute a broader library search.
If you type a "-" in the ISBN field, search results will only display books for which no ISBN number is available in the seller's database. However please be aware that often some results will appear for books that actually DO have an ISBN number, but the second hand book seller did not add the corresponding number in his book description.
Multiple results of same book. Owing to the fact that most of the second hand book shops have listed their books on several platforms, so that they are present everywhere and thus they expect to increase their sales, it can happen that the same title from the same seller appears multiple times. At we try to filter these titles and display it only once; however due to the different names some sellers use, this is not always possible.
Order of results: Results are mostly displayed in the order they are received from the partner platforms, that is the first place for any given search result is due to the faster response time of the server/platform. Once results are displayed you can sort the results according to various criteria (author, price, etc.).
Advanced search:
With the help of further search criteria you can filter/restrict your search in order to obtain even more precise results.
To order:
In order to actually order/buy a book, click on "order". Then you will either be
- directly forwarded to the order form of the specific seller,
- or linked onto the details page of the specific seller, where you can click on the shopping basket/cart function to place an order, or
Cancel an order:
We do not record your orders. Therefore cannot carry out cancellations for you. If you want to cancel an order please contact the seller you ordered the book from directly. You will find the e-mail address of the seller on the order confirmation e-mail.
Additional features of registered users:: offers several additional services for registered user. Here you will find a list of the different types of memberships.
Description of the books:
The data of the different book entries we search and display are provided by the second hand book stores or the private sellers listed on We at do not manage any own database. There is no general norm of how data is structured and/or made available to us; formats differ wildly from seller to seller. However, here is a brief selection of what some terms mean :
- 2º - height over 35 cm
- 4º - height between 25 - 35 cm
- 8º - height between 20 - 25 cm
- Abb.,Abbildungen - pictures
- A., Aufl., Auflage - edition
- Bd(e). Band,(Bände) - volume, volumes
- besch., beschädigt - damaged
- Bibl., Bilbliothek - library
- br.,brosch.,broschiert - stitched, paperback
- Bd(e). Band, Bände- volume, volumes
- EA, Erstausgabe / erste Auflage - first edition
- Expl., Exemplar - copy
- Fol. Folio, Blatt - sheet, pages
- Front. Frontispiz, Titelbild - title page, cover
- geb., gebunden - bound, hardcover
- Hrsg., Herausgeber - editor, publisher
- Hldr., Halbleder - half leather
- Hln., Halbleinen- half linen
- Ill. - illustration
- Jg., Jahrgang - year
- kart., kartoniert - paperback
- Kat., Katalog - catalogue
- kol., koloriert - coloured
- kplt., komplett - complete
- läd., lädiert - damaged
- Ldr., Leder - leather
- Lith., Lithographie - lithography
- Lwd., Leinwand - linen
- O./Orig., Original - original
- OHldr., Original-Halblederband - original half leather volume
- OHln., Original Halbleinen - original half linen
- OLn., Original-Leinen - original linen
- OU. Original-Umschlag - original cover
- Pbd., Pappband - cardboard volume
- Portr., Portrait - profile
- priv sign., vom Vorbesitzer signiert - signed by previous owner
- sign. - vom Autor signiert - signed by the author
- Schu., Schutzumschlag - protective (dust) cover
Zusätzlich bei E-Bay: - additionally at E-Bay
- [BC:n] - Bid-Count: Number of offers already received.
- [LT:n] - Listing Type: type of entry "FixedPriceItem" is an item offered at fixed price, everything else is an auction.
- [ST:n] - Shipping Type: shipping method.
- [SC:n] - Shipping Costs: average shipping costs.
- [ST:Zeit] - Start Time: start time of auction.
- [ET:Zeit] - End Time: end time of auction.