![The History of America. - [Cork Print - 18th century] Robertson, William.](https://images.find-more-books.com/buch/cover/NzgwNjc5Njc2NTY2MjtodHRwczovL3BpY3R1cmVzLmFiZWJvb2tzLmNvbS9pbnZlbnRvcnkvMzEzMDEyNDA3NzIuanBn.jpg)
[Cork Print - 18th century] Robertson, William.:
The History of America. - First edition
1778, ISBN: ed78a067a9aecaad6d7c6f56a626155d
[PU: Cork, Printed by Thomas White, opposite the Exchange.], 18TH / 19TH CENTURY COUNTRY HOUSE LIBRARY OF RICHARD MEADE - BALLYMARTLE; RARE; AMERICA; AMERICAN HISTORY CATALOGUE IRISH SIX GENERAL HISTORY; CORK PRINTER; PRINTER THOMAS WHITE; PRINTING RARE PRINT; PUBLICATION (18TH CENTURY); (BALLYMARTLE), Volume I (of II) of the First Cork Edition [which had two Volumes in total]. Octavo. XIX, [1], [6], 492 pages including 6 unnumbered pages of a List of Subscribers including the previous owner of the book: "Rev. John Meade". Original Hardcover / Original full 18th-century-calf with gilt ornament and original spine-label. From the library of Richard Meade (Ballymartle), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown. Name of John Meade on titlepage. Only Volume One of this very rare Cork print ! This very rare first Volume of the History of America, printed in 1778 in Cork, Irland, by Thomas White, includes Book I, Book II, Book III and Book IV of VIII. [Books IV to VIII were placed in Volume II]. This first Volume includes for example the following interesting topics on Navigation, Beginning of Slavery, Settlement and First Colonies in America etc.: Progress of Navigation among the Ancients / Georgraphical knowledge still preserved in the East, and among the Arabians, Revival of commerce and navigation in Europe / First regular plan of Discovery formed by Portugal / Hopes of discovering a new route to the East Indies / Birth and Education of Christopher Columbus / Columbus acquires naval skill in the service of Portugal / Columbus' Voyage of Discovery, the difficulties and success, return to Spain and Astonishment of mankind on this Discovery of a New World / Second Voyage - Colony settled / State of the Colony in Hispaniola / Cruelty of the Spaniards / Fatal regulations concerning the condition of the Indians / First colony planted on the Continent / Negroes imported into America [Slavery] / New Spain, Yucatan, Preparations for invading it / Inquiry how America was peopled [populated], Vast extent of America, Its mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Soil - Its form favourable to Commerce / Condition and Character of the Americans / All, the Mexicans and Peruvians excepted, in the state of Savages - Inquiry coonfined to the uncivilized Tribes / Difficulty of obtaining information etc. / The bodily constitution of the Americans considered - The qualities of their minds - Their Domestic State / Their Political State and Institutions / Their System of War and Public Security / The Arts with which they were acquainted / Their religious ideas and institutions / etc. etc. Sprache: english., Books<
|  | AbeBooks.deInanna Rare Books Ltd., Skibbereen, CORK, Ireland [71946657] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Shipping costs: EUR 14.50 Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.
![The History of America. - [Cork Print - 18th century] Robertson, William](https://images.find-more-books.com/buch/cover/NzgwNjc5Njc2NTY2MjtodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy5maW5kLW1vcmUtYm9va3MuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9lbi9wYXJ0cy9jb3Zlcl92ZXJncmlmZmVuLnBuZw%3D%3D.png)
[Cork Print - 18th century] Robertson, William:
The History of America. - hardcover
1778, ISBN: ed78a067a9aecaad6d7c6f56a626155d
1778. Volume I (of II) of the First Cork Edition [which had two Volumes in total]. Cork, Printed by Thomas White, opposite the Exchange, 1778. Octavo. XIX, [1], [6], 492 pages including … More...
1778. Volume I (of II) of the First Cork Edition [which had two Volumes in total]. Cork, Printed by Thomas White, opposite the Exchange, 1778. Octavo. XIX, [1], [6], 492 pages including 6 unnumbered pages of a List of Subscribers including the previous owner of the book: "Rev. John Meade". Original Hardcover / Original full 18th-century-calf with gilt ornament and original spine-label. From the library of Richard Meade (Ballymartle), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown. Name of John Meade on titlepage. Only Volume One of this very rare Cork print ! This very rare first Volume of the History of America, printed in 1778 in Cork, Irland, by Thomas White, includes Book I, Book II, Book III and Book IV of VIII. [Books IV to VIII were placed in Volume II]. This first Volume includes for example the following interesting topics on Navigation, Beginning of Slavery, Settlement and First Colonies in America etc.: Progress of Navigation among the Ancients / Georgraphical knowledge still preserved in the East, and among the Arabians, Revival of commerce and navigation in Europe / First regular plan of Discovery formed by Portugal / Hopes of discovering a new route to the East Indies / Birth and Education of Christopher Columbus / Columbus acquires naval skill in the service of Portugal / Columbus' Voyage of Discovery, the difficulties and success, return to Spain and Astonishment of mankind on this Discovery of a New World / Second Voyage - Colony settled / State of the Colony in Hispaniola / Cruelty of the Spaniards / Fatal regulations concerning the condition of the Indians / First colony planted on the Continent / Negroes imported into America [Slavery] / New Spain, Yucatan, Preparations for invading it / Inquiry how America was peopled [populated], Vast extent of America, Its mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Soil - Its form favourable to Commerce / Condition and Character of the Americans / All, the Mexicans and Peruvians excepted, in the state of Savages - Inquiry coonfined to the uncivilized Tribes / Difficulty of obtaining information etc. / The bodily constitution of the Americans considered - The qualities of their minds - Their Domestic State / Their Political State and Institutions / Their System of War and Public Security / The Arts with which they were acquainted / Their religious ideas and institutions / etc. etc., 1778, 0<
|  | Biblio.co.ukInanna Rare Books Ltd. Shipping costs: EUR 19.24 Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.

Amerika / Mexiko / Peru - Robertson, William:
The History of America. - used book
1803, ISBN: ed78a067a9aecaad6d7c6f56a626155d
[SC: 2.8], [PU: London: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour.], AMERIKA / MEXIKO PERU -; AMERIKA; GESCHICHTE; MEXIKO; MITTELAMERIKA; PERU; USA NOISBN, 10th edition / 10. Aufla… More...
[SC: 2.8], [PU: London: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour.], AMERIKA / MEXIKO PERU -; AMERIKA; GESCHICHTE; MEXIKO; MITTELAMERIKA; PERU; USA NOISBN, 10th edition / 10. Auflage. 4 Volumes / 4 Bände. LI, 368; 2 Bll., 415; 2 Bll., 416; 2 Bll., 408 S. Ganzlederbände der Zeit mit Einbandvergoldung. - Kapitale und Kanten bestoßen, zwei Ecken gestaucht, Vorderdeckel des vierten Bandes mit Fehlstelle im Bezug, Einbanddeckel des ersten Bandes fleckig, Seiten teilweise wurmgängig, Band 1 ohne Vorsatz, ein Vortitel mit altem Namenseintrag, insgesamt ordentliches Exemplar. Umfassendes Geschichtswerk, die ersten sieben Auflagen behandeln die Geschichte Amerikas und die Eroberung von Mexiko und Peru, ab der achten Auflage wurde das Werk um die Geschichte von Virginia und Neu-England ergänzt. - "In these volumes Robertson wrote the first history of the discovery and Spanish conquest of America based on ample bibliographical information and documents in the Simancas archives" (Borba de Moraes). - Sabin 71976; Borba de Moraes 740 (EA von 1777). - Ohne die Karten. Sprache: englisch.<
| | ZVAB.comAntiquariat Gertrud Thelen, Baden-Baden, Germany [3414210] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Shipping costs: EUR 2.80 Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.

Amerika / Mexiko / Peru - Robertson, William:
The History of America. - used book
1803, ISBN: ed78a067a9aecaad6d7c6f56a626155d
[PU: London: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour.], AMERIKA / MEXIKO PERU -; AMERIKA; GESCHICHTE; MEXIKO; MITTELAMERIKA; PERU; USA NOISBN, 10th edition / 10. Auflage. 4 Volum… More...
[PU: London: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour.], AMERIKA / MEXIKO PERU -; AMERIKA; GESCHICHTE; MEXIKO; MITTELAMERIKA; PERU; USA NOISBN, 10th edition / 10. Auflage. 4 Volumes / 4 Bände. LI, 368; 2 Bll., 415; 2 Bll., 416; 2 Bll., 408 S. Ganzlederbände der Zeit mit Einbandvergoldung. - Kapitale und Kanten bestoßen, zwei Ecken gestaucht, Vorderdeckel des vierten Bandes mit Fehlstelle im Bezug, Einbanddeckel des ersten Bandes fleckig, Seiten teilweise wurmgängig, Band 1 ohne Vorsatz, ein Vortitel mit altem Namenseintrag, insgesamt ordentliches Exemplar. Umfassendes Geschichtswerk, die ersten sieben Auflagen behandeln die Geschichte Amerikas und die Eroberung von Mexiko und Peru, ab der achten Auflage wurde das Werk um die Geschichte von Virginia und Neu-England ergänzt. - "In these volumes Robertson wrote the first history of the discovery and Spanish conquest of America based on ample bibliographical information and documents in the Simancas archives" (Borba de Moraes). - Sabin 71976; Borba de Moraes 740 (EA von 1777). - Ohne die Karten. Sprache: englisch.<
| | AbeBooks.deAntiquariat Gertrud Thelen, Baden-Baden, Germany [3414210] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Shipping costs: EUR 2.80 Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.

Robertson, William:
The History of America. - used book
1803, ISBN: ed78a067a9aecaad6d7c6f56a626155d
[ED: Leder], [PU: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour], 10th edition / 10. Auflage. 4 Volumes / 4 Bände. LI, 368; 2 Bll., 415; 2 Bll., 416; 2 Bll., 408 S. Ganzlederbände der … More...
[ED: Leder], [PU: Strahan, Cadell and Davies und Edinburg: Balfour], 10th edition / 10. Auflage. 4 Volumes / 4 Bände. LI, 368; 2 Bll., 415; 2 Bll., 416; 2 Bll., 408 S. Ganzlederbände der Zeit mit Einbandvergoldung. - Kapitale und Kanten bestoßen, zwei Ecken gestaucht, Vorderdeckel des vierten Bandes mit Fehlstelle im Bezug, Einbanddeckel des ersten Bandes fleckig, Seiten teilweise wurmgängig, Band 1 ohne Vorsatz, ein Vortitel mit altem Namenseintrag, insgesamt ordentliches Exemplar.
Umfassendes Geschichtswerk, die ersten sieben Auflagen behandeln die Geschichte Amerikas und die Eroberung von Mexiko und Peru, ab der achten Auflage wurde das Werk um die Geschichte von Virginia und Neu-England ergänzt. - "In these volumes Robertson wrote the first history of the discovery and Spanish conquest of America based on ample bibliographical information and documents in the Simancas archives" (Borba de Moraes). - Sabin 71976; Borba de Moraes 740 (EA von 1777). - Ohne die Karten., DE, [SC: 4.90], gewerbliches Angebot, [PU: London], Offene Rechnung, Internationaler Versand<
| | booklooker.deAntiquariat Gertrud Thelen Shipping costs:Versand nach Deutschland. (EUR 4.90) Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.