Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq, vol. 1-3 (3 Bände). - used book
1789, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 3.5], [PU: Paris, Barrois], LITERATUR, GESCHICHTE, ENGLAND, Vol. 1: XV, 379 S.; vol. 2: 363 S.; vol. 3: 356 S., 17,5 cm, Ledereinbände der Zeit beriebe… More...
ZVAB.com Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Köln Dr. Sebastian Peters UG, Köln, Germany [57117029] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 3.50 Details... |

Letters Written by the Late Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his Son Philip Stanhope Esq. (Vols I & III of IV only) - used book
1821, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Printed for J. Richardson and Co. etc.; London., 1821. Hard. Good-. 16mo. 6 1/2".. Good-. Contemporaneous binding or black morocco and marbled boards. Average wear and ageing., Pri… More...
Biblio.co.uk |
![Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - Chesterfield, [Philipp Stanhope, Lord]](https://images.find-more-books.com/buch/cover/NTY5MTMwMDMwNzAyMjtodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy5ib29rbG9va2VyLmRlL3QvMDJLbkVIL1BoaWxpcHAtU3RhbmhvcGUtQ2hlc3RlcmZpZWxkK0xldHRlcnMtV3JpdHRlbi1CeS10aGUtTGF0ZS1SaWdodC1Ib25vdXJhYmxlLVBoaWxpcC1Eb3JtZXItU3RhbmhvcGUuanBn.jpg)
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
1774, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
[PU: J. Dodsley], 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar, DE, [SC: 2.80], gewerbliches Angebot, [GW… More...
booklooker.de |
![Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - Chesterfield, [Philipp Stanhope, Lord]](https://images.find-more-books.com/buch/cover/NTY5MTMwMDMwNzAyMjtodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFudGlxdWFyaWF0LmRlL2dpYXFkYXRhL2hkOTE3Ny9waWMvMDUyODQwLmpwZw%3D%3D.jpg)
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
1774, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
London, J. Dodsley, 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar Varia [Englischsprachige Bücher, Englisc… More...
antiquariat.de |
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
1774, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Unbekannter Einband 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar 12, [PU:London J. Dodsley]
Achtung-Buecher.de Graphem. Kunst- und Buchantiquariat Martin Kirves, 13353 Berlin Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq, vol. 1-3 (3 Bände). - used book
1789, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [SC: 3.5], [PU: Paris, Barrois], LITERATUR, GESCHICHTE, ENGLAND, Vol. 1: XV, 379 S.; vol. 2: 363 S.; vol. 3: 356 S., 17,5 cm, Ledereinbände der Zeit beriebe… More...
Stanhope. Philip Dormer:
Letters Written by the Late Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his Son Philip Stanhope Esq. (Vols I & III of IV only) - used book1821, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Printed for J. Richardson and Co. etc.; London., 1821. Hard. Good-. 16mo. 6 1/2".. Good-. Contemporaneous binding or black morocco and marbled boards. Average wear and ageing., Pri… More...
![Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - Chesterfield, [Philipp Stanhope, Lord]](https://images.booklooker.de/t/02KnEH/Philipp-Stanhope-Chesterfield+Letters-Written-By-the-Late-Right-Honourable-Philip-Dormer-Stanhope.jpg)
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
[PU: J. Dodsley], 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar, DE, [SC: 2.80], gewerbliches Angebot, [GW… More...
![Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - Chesterfield, [Philipp Stanhope, Lord]](https://www.antiquariat.de/giaqdata/hd9177/pic/052840.jpg)
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
1774, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
London, J. Dodsley, 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar Varia [Englischsprachige Bücher, Englisc… More...
Letters Written By the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. Vol. I (of IV) - used book
1774, ISBN: 5a6c913003f0bb70222bb2bf78063d68
Unbekannter Einband 8°, Ganzledereinbd., XVI, 352 S. m. gestochenem Frontispiz - Einband stark schadhaft, Frontispiz lose, innen sauberes Exemplar 12, [PU:London J. Dodsley]
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Details of the book - Letters Written By The Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl Of Chesterfield, To His Son, Philip Stanhope Esq. ..., Volume 2
Publishing year: 1774
Publisher: Ulan Press
Book in our database since 2013-12-21T15:31:54-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-08-13T03:28:58-04:00 (New York)
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: philip dormer stanhope chesterfield, lord chesterfield, eugenia stanhope, earl chesterfield
Book title: philip dormer stanhope chesterfield, letters written the late right honourable philip dormer stanhope, letters his son, his only son
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