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Niebuhr, B.G.:

The History of Rome - hardcover

1849, ISBN: 39f1c7b26ac644eb96128612467a0f7e

London: Taylor and Walton for The University of London, 1842. 3 volumes, mixed editions, (vol. 1, 1847, xxiv 626; vol. II 1848, xii 644; vol. III 1842 xvi 717) uniform half leather with … More...

Shipping costs: EUR 8.41 Interquarian
The History of Rome - B. G. Niebuhr
at ZVAB.com
€ 33.01
Shipment: € 11.861
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B. G. Niebuhr:

The History of Rome - hardcover

1860, ISBN: 39f1c7b26ac644eb96128612467a0f7e

[SC: 11.86], [PU: Walton and Maberly, London], ROME HISTORY B G NEIBUHR, Volume III only of this work of Roman history by Barthold Georg Niebuh translated into English. Volume III only. N… More...

Shipping costs: EUR 11.86 Rooke Books PBFA, Bath, United Kingdom [51320726] [Rating: 5 (su 5)]
at alibris.co.uk
€ 512.48
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Mommsen, Theodor; Translated By Rec. William P. Dickson:
The History of Rome - hardcover


ISBN: 39f1c7b26ac644eb96128612467a0f7e

Hardcover, Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, Classics, Ancient Rome, Greece and Rome, Roman history, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon|Classical history, Octavo, 4 volumes. A cris… More...

Shipping costs:plus shipping costs Rocky River, OH, Cleveland Book Company
The History of Rome - MOMMSEN, Theodor; translated by Rec. William P. Dickson
at AbeBooks.de
€ 475.70
Shipment: € 36.951
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MOMMSEN, Theodor; translated by Rec. William P. Dickson:
The History of Rome - hardcover

1868, ISBN: 39f1c7b26ac644eb96128612467a0f7e

Gebraucht, sehr guter Zustand, [PU: Richard Bentley, London], CLASSICS, ANCIENT ROME, GREECE AND ROMAN HISTORY, DECLINE FALL OF THE EMPIRE, GIBBON, Octavo, 4 volumes. A crisp, sound copy,… More...

NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 36.95 Cleveland Book Company, ABAA, Rocky River, OH, U.S.A. [64086551] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
at Biblio.co.uk
$ 500.00
(aprox. € 461.94)
Shipment: € 46.191
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MOMMSEN, Theodor; translated by Rec. William P. Dickson:
The History of Rome - hardcover

1902, ISBN: 39f1c7b26ac644eb96128612467a0f7e

London: Richard Bentley, 1868. Hardcover. Very good. Octavo, 4 volumes. A crisp, sound copy, bound in full contemporary polished calf, with morocco spine labels, elaborate gilt compartm… More...

Shipping costs: EUR 46.19 Cleveland Book Company

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
The History of Rome

Opera composta da quattro volumi, il primo ed il terzo editi nel 1870, il secondo nel 1872 ed il quarto nel 1873, all'antiporta del secondo volume foto in nero del busto di T.Livio protetto da velina, le pagine sono leggermente ingiallite e con rara fioritura, traccia di umidità al taglio davanti del primo volume, coperte rigide leggermente usurate ai bordi ed agli angoli, ai piatti disegni impressi, dorsi con titoli in oro, scoloriti e con cime e piedi leggermente usurati

Details of the book - The History of Rome

Publishing year: 1874
Publisher: Ulan Press

Book in our database since 2013-12-13T02:17:24-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2025-01-02T17:52:51-05:00 (New York)

Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: goldsmith, niehbuhr, edmonds, titus livius, livy, thomas keightley, theodor mommsen, johnson, niebuhr barthold georg, eugene smith, julius leonhard, toulmin, humphreys, william wotton, dickson, thomas arnold, alexander william, theodore mommsen, rupert, morell, ihne, maxwell, schmitz, wachsmuth, grant, corner, duncan mike, saunders
Book title: history rome, the history

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