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Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - Candace D. Trest
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Candace D. Trest:

Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - Paperback

2010, ISBN: 1609573331

[EAN: 9781609573331], Neubuch, [SC: 0.0], [PU: Salem Publishing Solutions Jun 2010], FICTION - RELIGIOUS; / ACTION & ADVENTURE; CHRISTIAN GENERAL, Neuware - Zack and Tripp are best friend… More...

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Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - Candace D. Trest
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Candace D. Trest:

Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - used book

2009, ISBN: 1609573331

Zack and Tripp are best friends who love adventure; but the one thing they love more than adventure is sharing their faith. When they find they can combine the two, they set out upon adve… More...

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Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece
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ISBN: 1609573331

Zack and Tripp are best friends who love adventure; but the one thing they love more than adventure is sharing their faith. When they find they can combine the two, they set out upon adve… More...

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Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - Candace D. Trest
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Candace D. Trest:
Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece - Paperback

ISBN: 9781609573331

Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece Zack-and-Tripp-in-Ancient-Greece~~Candace-D-Trest Religion/Inspiration>Christian Fiction>Christian Fiction Paperback, Xulon Press

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Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece
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ISBN: 1609573331

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece

Zack and Tripp are best friends who love adventure; but the one thing they love more than adventure is sharing their faith. When they find they can combine the two, they set out upon adventures of a lifetime. Follow Zack and Tripp to Ancient Greece where their adventure takes them to a dangerous new level. Meet Darius, a boy trying to become a man in the Spartan tradition. Learn how God changes hearts and lives and creates warriors for His Kingdom. This is Book 2 in the Zack and Tripp Series. Candace Trest lives in Mississippi with her husband and their four children. She graduated from Mississippi State University in May of 2009 with a degree in Foreign Language Education. She is a member of Midway Baptist Church and her favorite past-times include reading, writing, scrapbooking, and vacationing with her family.

Details of the book - Zack and Tripp in Ancient Greece

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781609573331
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1609573331
Publishing year: 2010
Publisher: XULON PR
74 Pages
Weight: 0,086 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2011-02-13T12:19:59-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-09-28T22:35:33-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9781609573331

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-60957-333-1, 978-1-60957-333-1
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book title: zack, what tripp

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