Lorett, Pat:To-1944: Oklahoma Farm Life
- Paperback 2007, ISBN: 1602470227, Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: TATE PUB, 457 Seiten, L=153mm, B=224mm, H=24mm, Gew.=585gr, [GR: 21110 - TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen], [SW: - Fiction - G… More...
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: TATE PUB, 457 Seiten, L=153mm, B=224mm, H=24mm, Gew.=585gr, [GR: 21110 - TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen], [SW: - Fiction - General], Kartoniert/Broschiert, Klappentext: T0-1944 brings the experiences of everyday life ?down on the farm.? Did you live the age of WW11? Relive those times, experiences, feelings, living with and without. Here is another facet of life experienced by an 8 year old named Pat Lorett and his Grand-Pa, which will set you back into another time called living. Walk with these two on that ole sand hill school quarter as those knocks, licks and experiences put you in the stickers? patches, working dawn till you can?t, then doing the chores. Go hunting country style with a coal oil lantern and his ole coon dog, till you are scared speechless, walk the corn rows till your britches are worn thin. Worship with him as he took a pew nap; see the first goose of the season flying away and wonder did he shoot or not. To-1944 will show you the reason for living, the ole country way. T0-1944 brings the experiences of everyday life ?down on the farm.? Did you live the age of WW11? Relive those times, experiences, feelings, living with and without. Here is another facet of life experienced by an 8 year old named Pat Lorett and his Grand-Pa, which will set you back into another time called living. Walk with these two on that ole sand hill school quarter as those knocks, licks and experiences put you in the stickers? patches, working dawn till you can?t, then doing the chores. Go hunting country style with a coal oil lantern and his ole coon dog, till you are scared speechless, walk the corn rows till your britches are worn thin. Worship with him as he took a pew nap; see the first goose of the season flying away and wonder did he shoot or not. To-1944 will show you the reason for living, the ole country way.<
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Lorett, Pat:To-1944: Oklahoma Farm Life
- Paperback 2007, ISBN: 1602470227, Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: TATE PUB, 457 Seiten, L=153mm, B=224mm, H=24mm, Gew.=585gr, [GR: 21110 - TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen], [SW: - Fiction - G… More...
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: TATE PUB, 457 Seiten, L=153mm, B=224mm, H=24mm, Gew.=585gr, [GR: 21110 - TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen], [SW: - Fiction - General], Kartoniert/Broschiert, Klappentext: T0-1944 brings the experiences of everyday life ?down on the farm.? Did you live the age of WW11? Relive those times, experiences, feelings, living with and without. Here is another facet of life experienced by an 8 year old named Pat Lorett and his Grand-Pa, which will set you back into another time called living. Walk with these two on that ole sand hill school quarter as those knocks, licks and experiences put you in the stickers? patches, working dawn till you can?t, then doing the chores. Go hunting country style with a coal oil lantern and his ole coon dog, till you are scared speechless, walk the corn rows till your britches are worn thin. Worship with him as he took a pew nap; see the first goose of the season flying away and wonder did he shoot or not. To-1944 will show you the reason for living, the ole country way.<
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Pat Lorett:To-1944
- Paperback ISBN: 9781602470224
Paperback, [PU: Tate Publishing & Enterprises], Contemporary Fiction
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(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.