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Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - Ulitskaya, Ludmila
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€ 25.34
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Ulitskaya, Ludmila:

Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 1590203208

[EAN: 9781590203200], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: The Overlook Press], Like New condition. Great condition, but not exactly fully crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but the… More...

NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 19.18 Book Deals, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A. [85272957] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Daniel Stein, Interpreter : A Novel - Ulitskaya, Ludmila
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£ 33.88
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Shipment: € 6.671
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Ulitskaya, Ludmila:

Daniel Stein, Interpreter : A Novel - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 1590203208

[EAN: 9781590203200], Used, good, [SC: 6.67], [PU: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc], Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages., Books

NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 6.67 Better World Books: West, Reno, NV, U.S.A. [4720790] [Rating: 5 (of 5)]
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - Ulitskaya, Ludmila
at AbeBooks.de
€ 98.23
Shipment: € 28.311
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Ulitskaya, Ludmila:
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - hardcover


ISBN: 1590203208

[EAN: 9781590203200], Neubuch, [PU: The Overlook Press], New Copy. Customer Service Guaranteed, Books

NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 28.31 GoldBooks, Austin, TX, U.S.A. [71454205] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - Ulitskaya, Ludmila
at AbeBooks.co.uk
£ 204.11
(aprox. € 239.45)
Shipment: € 23.551
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Ulitskaya, Ludmila:
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 1590203208

[EAN: 9781590203200], New book, [SC: 23.55], [PU: The Overlook Press], Brand New Copy, Books

NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 23.55 Big Bill's Books, Wimberley, TX, U.S.A. [74145536] [Rating: 5 (of 5)]
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - Ulitskaya, Ludmila
at AbeBooks.co.uk
£ 152.53
(aprox. € 178.94)
Shipment: € 9.001
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Ulitskaya, Ludmila:
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 1590203208

[EAN: 9781590203200], New book, [SC: 9.0], [PU: The Overlook Press], New, Books

NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 9.00 dsmbooks, liverpool, United Kingdom [61944145] [Rating: 4 (of 5)]

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel in Documents

Daniel Stein, a Polish Jew, miraculously survives the Holocaust by working in the Gestapo as a translator. After the war, he converts to Catholicism, becomes a priest, enters the Order of Barefoot Carmelites and emigrates to Israel. Despite this seeming impossibility, the life and destiny of Daniel Stein are not an invention, the character is based on the life of Oswald Rufeisen, the real Brother Daniel, a Carmelite monk. In "Daniel Stein, Interpreter," Daniel's ability and willingness to communicate with all cultures, to translate across linguistic and cultural divides, assures his freedom and stands as a symbol of love, humanity and tolerance.

Details of the book - Daniel Stein, Interpreter: A Novel in Documents

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781590203200
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1590203208
Publishing year: 2011
Publisher: Overlook Press
408 Pages
Weight: 0,639 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2010-10-09T11:43:14-04:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-05-26T05:50:35-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9781590203200

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-59020-320-8, 978-1-59020-320-0
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: arch, ulitskaya, tait
Book title: translator, stein der, daniel stein interpreter

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