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Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - David L. Weimer
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David L. Weimer:

Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - Paperback

ISBN: 1589016319

[SR: 4014896], Paperback, [EAN: 9781589016316], Georgetown University Press, Georgetown University Press, Book, [PU: Georgetown University Press], Georgetown University Press, Governments… More...

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Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - David L. Weimer
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David L. Weimer:

Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - Paperback

ISBN: 1589016319

[SR: 4014896], Paperback, [EAN: 9781589016316], Georgetown University Press, Georgetown University Press, Book, [PU: Georgetown University Press], Georgetown University Press, Governments… More...

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Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - David Weimer
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David Weimer:
Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation (American Government and Public Policy) - Paperback

ISBN: 1589016319

[SR: 3227898], Paperback, [EAN: 9781589016316], Georgetown University Press, Georgetown University Press, Book, [PU: Georgetown University Press], Georgetown University Press, Governments… More...

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Medical Governance : Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation by David L. Weimer - David L. Weimer
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€ 9.49
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David L. Weimer:
Medical Governance : Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation by David L. Weimer - used book

ISBN: 9781589016316

Governments throughout the industrialized world make decisions that fundamentally affect the quality and accessibility of medical care. In the United States, despite the absence of univer… More...

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Weimer, D: Medical Governance - Weimer, David L.
at AbeBooks.de
€ 42.86
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Weimer, David L.:
Weimer, D: Medical Governance - Paperback

2010, ISBN: 1589016319

[EAN: 9781589016316], Neubuch, [PU: Georgetown University Press], MEDICAL NURSING HEALTH POLICY POLITICAL SCIENCE PUBLIC AFFAIRS & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL, Governments throughout the indus… More...

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation

Governments throughout the industrialized world make decisions that fundamentally affect the quality and accessibility of medical care. This title explores an alternative regulatory approach to medical care based on the delegation of decisions about the allocation of scarce medical resources to private nonprofit organizations.

Details of the book - Medical Governance: Values, Expertise, and Interests in Organ Transplantation

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781589016316
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1589016319
Publishing year: 2010
214 Pages
Weight: 0,326 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2011-03-14T12:51:17-04:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-04-25T03:01:35-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9781589016316

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-58901-631-9, 978-1-58901-631-6
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: weimer
Book title: expertise, governance government

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