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Scott, B. J.:

The Connected Seven - hardcover

2016, ISBN: 1460273931

Gebundene Ausgabe FICTION / Action & Adventure, Biological warfare,Counter terrorism,Pandemic,Bird flu,International intrigue,Adventure,Friendship, mit Schutzumschlag neu, [PU:FriesenPress]

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€ 17.81
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B J Scott:

The Connected Seven - new book

2016, ISBN: 1460273931

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B J Scott:
The Connected Seven - Paperback


ISBN: 9781460273937

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B. J. Scott:
The Connected Seven - hardcover

ISBN: 9781460273937

FriesenPress. Hardcover. New. NEW BOOK, FriesenPress

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Details of the book

The story is about a young man named Jacob Roberts, who joins an elite military grade organization and stops a deadly biologically weaponized virus attack from General Kang, who is spreading it throughout the world.

When Jacob attends High School with his best friend Dillon, they become friends with a girl named Ivy, and her best friend Avira, who has twin brothers Ari and Augustin. While Jacob is in school he also stays connected with Greta, his elderly neighbor's grandchild and first love from the United Kingdom.

Jacob finishes his military training a couple of years later and joins a pilot project funded in conjunction with thee other Government's in England. Ivy falls ill before the squad's departure to focus on a Jemaah Islamiyah Group's act of violence stationed in Jakarta, Indonesia. The squad arrives and they align with a ghost agent named Zagi who helps them intervene on the JI Group's activity. The squad is led to the discovery of a weaponized virus, fronted by General Kang, whom the JI Group are trying to steal the virus from.

The squad determines the virus is spread through the use of contaminated hosts, long-range migratory water fowl and kidnapped test subjects from Japan that the General has released back into society. Jacob finds the cure Kang intended to use and leaves Indonesia to report the findings back to his Headquarters. Returning to England, Jacob realizes Ivy has been infected with the virus. It becomes a race against time to save his friend and stop a potential world disaster from occurring.

Details of the book - The Connected Seven

EAN (ISBN-13): 9781460273937
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1460273931
Publishing year: 2016
Publisher: FriesenPress

Book in our database since 2017-12-15T05:38:33-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2018-01-14T01:07:24-05:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9781460273937

ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-4602-7393-1, 978-1-4602-7393-7

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