ISBN: 1161839828
Hardcover, [EAN: 9781161839821], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Book, [PU: Kessinger Publishing, LLC], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, This scarce antiquarian book is a … More...
amazon.com myrockland New item. Shipping costs:Usually ships in 1-2 business days., plus shipping costs Details... |

ISBN: 1161839828
Hardcover, [EAN: 9781161839821], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Book, [PU: Kessinger Publishing, LLC], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, This scarce antiquarian book is a … More...
amazon.com super_star_seller Used. Shipping costs:Usually ships in 1-2 business days., plus shipping costs Details... |

2010, ISBN: 1161839828, Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: KESSINGER PUB CO, 96 Seiten, L=152mm, B=229mm, H=9mm, Gew.=313gr, Gebunden This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessi… More...
Buchgeier.com Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen (Besorgungstitel) Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD Details... |

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Blackwells.co.uk |

ISBN: 1161839828
Hardcover, [EAN: 9781161839821], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Book, [PU: Kessinger Publishing, LLC], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, This scarce antiquarian book is a … More...

ISBN: 1161839828
Hardcover, [EAN: 9781161839821], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Book, [PU: Kessinger Publishing, LLC], Kessinger Publishing, LLC, This scarce antiquarian book is a … More...
ISBN: 1161839828
Lieferbar binnen 4-6 Wochen Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD
Internationaler Buchtitel. In englischer Sprache. Verlag: KESSINGER PUB CO, 96 Seiten, L=152mm, B=229mm, H=9mm, Gew.=313gr, Gebunden This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessi… More...
ISBN: 9781161839821
ISBN: 9781161839821
Bibliographic data of the best matching book
Details of the book - Thoughts Through the Year: Sonnets Suggested by the Collects (1873)
EAN (ISBN-13): 9781161839821
ISBN (ISBN-10): 1161839828
Publishing year: 2010
96 Pages
Weight: 0,313 kg
Language: eng/Englisch
Book in our database since 2011-11-26T23:25:06-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2022-11-12T00:25:24-05:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9781161839821
ISBN - alternate spelling:
1-161-83982-8, 978-1-161-83982-1
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