Where's Your Walk?! Rev. Andrew F. Dees Author
- new bookISBN: 9781098382230
When I ask someone, where's your walk?, it is meant as a contemplative moment for them to reflect on their walk as a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ. This question is powerful beca… More...
When I ask someone, where's your walk?, it is meant as a contemplative moment for them to reflect on their walk as a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ. This question is powerful because I believe it causes people to consider their situation and the condition of their life. More notably, I believe this reflection causes us to assess the direction our life is headed, allowing us to align the present reality of our experiences and outcomes, with what we desire our life to be. Many in the church have seemingly lost their sense of direction and subsequently their focus on reaching our ultimate objective as Christians. They are overshadowed by a default focus on their day-to-day struggles, fears, and wants. Still, others may seek to distract themselves from fulfilling their child's every whim because it brings the illusion of joy when we delight in how they play their sport, how good their grades might be, or how they clean the house, boat, or car. We tend to see those actions as a validation that we are doing okay, and we point to those things as an accomplishment. Digital Content>E-books>Pers Growth,Dev>Inspiring Yourself,Others>Inspiring Yourself,Others, BookBaby Digital >16<
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Rev. Andrew F. Dees:Where's Your Walk?!
- First edition 2021, ISBN: 9781098382230
eBooks, eBook Download (EPUB), Auflage, When I ask someone, "e;where's your walk?"e;, it is meant as a contemplative moment for them to reflect on their walk as a Christia… More...
eBooks, eBook Download (EPUB), Auflage, When I ask someone, "e;where's your walk?"e;, it is meant as a contemplative moment for them to reflect on their walk as a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ. This question is powerful because I believe it causes people to consider their situation and the condition of their life. More notably, I believe this reflection causes us to assess the direction our life is headed, allowing us to align the present reality of our experiences and outcomes, with what we desire our life to be. Many in the church have seemingly lost their sense of direction and subsequently their focus on reaching our ultimate objective as Christians. They are overshadowed by a default focus on their day-to-day struggles, fears, and wants. Still, others may seek to distract themselves from fulfilling their child's every whim because it brings the illusion of joy when we delight in how they play their sport, how good their grades might be, or how they clean the house, boat, or car. We tend to see those actions as a validation that we are doing okay, and we point to those things as an "e;accomplishment"e;. [PU: Bookbaby], Seiten: 76, [ED: 1], Bookbaby, 2021<
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Rev. Andrew F. Dees:Where's Your Walk?!
- First edition 2021, ISBN: 9781098382230
eBooks, eBook Download (EPUB), Auflage, [PU: Bookbaby], [ED: 1], Bookbaby, 2021
| | lehmanns.deShipping costs:Download sofort lieferbar. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Book out-of-stock means that the book is currently not available at any of the associated platforms we search.