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The Refugee Hotel - Carmen Aguirre
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Carmen Aguirre:

The Refugee Hotel - new book

ISBN: 9780889226500

Two events gave birth to this play: the 1998 arrest of Augusto Pinochet by the spanish courts and the 1995 death of Aguirre''s uncle, who drank himself to death on Vancouver&apo… More...

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The Refugee Hotel - Carmen Aguirre
at Indigo.ca
C$ 17.95
(aprox. € 11.86)
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Carmen Aguirre:

The Refugee Hotel - new book

ISBN: 9780889226500

Two events gave birth to this play: the 1998 arrest of Augusto Pinochet by the spanish courts and the 1995 death of Aguirre''s uncle, who drank himself to death on Vancouver&apo… More...

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The Refugee Hotel by Carmen Aguirre Paperback | Indigo Chapters
at Indigo.ca
C$ 17.95
(aprox. € 12.82)
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The Refugee Hotel by Carmen Aguirre Paperback | Indigo Chapters - new book

ISBN: 9780889226500

Two events gave birth to this play: the 1998 arrest of Augusto Pinochet by the spanish courts and the 1995 death of Aguirreâ??s uncle, who drank himself to death on Vancouverâ??s skid row… More...

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at AbeBooks.de
€ 26.38
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Carmen Aguirre:
The Refugee Hotel (Paperback) - Paperback

2010, ISBN: 0889226504

[EAN: 9780889226500], Neubuch, [PU: Talon Books,Canada, Canada], Language: English. Brand new Book. Two events gave birth to this play: the 1998 arrest of Augusto Pinochet by the Spanish … More...

NEW BOOK. Shipping costs:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Book Depository hard to find, London, United Kingdom [63688905] [Rating: 3 (von 5)]
The Refugee Hotel - Carmen Aguirre
at BarnesandNoble.com
$ 17.95
(aprox. € 15.92)
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Carmen Aguirre:
The Refugee Hotel - Paperback

ISBN: 9780889226500

The Refugee Hotel Refugee-Hotel~~Carmen-Aguirre Theatre & Drama>Drama>Plays Paperback, Talonbooks, Limited

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book

Details of the book - The Refugee Hotel by Carmen Aguirre Paperback | Indigo Chapters

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780889226500
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0889226504
Publishing year: 2010
Publisher: Carmen Aguirre
126 Pages
Weight: 0,218 kg
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2011-04-24T16:40:28-04:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2022-12-01T11:48:12-05:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9780889226500

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-88922-650-4, 978-0-88922-650-0
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: dark
Book title: hotel, refugee welcome

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