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Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt Justin Hollander Author
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Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt Justin Hollander Author - new book

ISBN: 9780415592116

In recent years there has been a growing focus on urban and environmental studies, and the skills and techniques needed to address the wider challenges of how to create sustainable commun… More...

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Sunburnt Cities - Hollander, Justin B.
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Hollander, Justin B.:

Sunburnt Cities - new book

ISBN: 9780415592116

In recent years there has been a growing focus on urban and environmental studies, and the skills and techniques needed to address the wider challenges of how to create sustainable commun… More...

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Sunburnt Cities - Justin B. Hollander
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€ 149.95
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Justin B. Hollander:
Sunburnt Cities - hardcover


ISBN: 9780415592116

The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt, Hardcover, Buch, [PU: Routledge]

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Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt - Justin B. Hollander
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Justin B. Hollander:
Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt - used book

ISBN: 9780415592116

Livre, [PU: Routledge]

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Sunburnt Cities - Justin B. Hollander
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Justin B. Hollander:
Sunburnt Cities - hardcover

2011, ISBN: 9780415592116

Hardcover, Buch, [PU: Routledge]

  - Shipping costs:Versand in 10-15 Tagen, , Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der BRD (EUR 0.00)

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Bibliographic data of the best matching book

Details of the book
Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt Justin Hollander Author

In recent years there has been a growing focus on urban and environmental studies and the skills and techniques needed to address the wider challenges of how to create sustainable communities. Until the first decade of the twenty-first century, decline was assumed to be an issue only for former industrial cities a " the so-called Rust Belt. But the sudden reversal in growth in the major cities of the American Sunbelt has shown that urban decline can be a much wider issue. Hollander addresses the reasons and statistics behind these "shrinking cities" with a positive outlook, arguing that growth for growtha (TM)s sake is not beneficial for communities, suggesting instead that urban development could be achieved through shrinkage. Case studies on Phoenix, Flint, Orlando and Fresno support the argument and Hollander delves into the numbers, literature and individual lives affected and how they have changed in response to the declining regions.

Details of the book - Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt Justin Hollander Author

EAN (ISBN-13): 9780415592116
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0415592119
Publishing year: 2011
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Core >2
192 Pages
Language: eng/Englisch

Book in our database since 2012-02-02T09:42:31-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-03-28T07:26:26-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9780415592116

ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-415-59211-9, 978-0-415-59211-6
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: hollander, holländer
Book title: great american cities, sunburn

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