1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Helsinki : Helsinki University Library], Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings., NL, [SC: 4.95], Gut: Small white sticker on front c… More...
booklooker.de |

1980, ISBN: 9789514519215
79 Hardcover Adolf Erik Bibliothek Polarforschung Gelehrtenbibliothek Ex-Library. Library binding. cover with marks of a removed label. Letzte Seite haftet am Einbandinnendeckel. Guter Zu… More...
buchfreund.de ralfs-buecherkiste, 15378 Herzfelde Shipping costs:Versandkosten innerhalb der BRD. (EUR 3.00) Details... |

1980, ISBN: 9789514519215
[ED: Broschur], [PU: University Helsinki 1980], vom Autor mit privater Widmung versehen, minimale Gebrauchsspuren, DE, [SC: 5.50], leichte Gebrauchsspuren, privates Angebot, 8°, 80, [GW: … More...
booklooker.de |

1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
Helsinki : Helsinki University Library, 1990. 2. Softcover. Good. Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings.; Small white sticker on front cover., Helsinki : … More...
Biblio.co.uk |

1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
80 Seiten, Sprache: EnglischTaschenbuch Gut: Small white sticker on front cover. Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings. Versand D: 4,95 EUR, [PU:Helsinki : … More...
buchfreund.de |

1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Helsinki : Helsinki University Library], Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings., NL, [SC: 4.95], Gut: Small white sticker on front c… More...
1980, ISBN: 9789514519215
79 Hardcover Adolf Erik Bibliothek Polarforschung Gelehrtenbibliothek Ex-Library. Library binding. cover with marks of a removed label. Letzte Seite haftet am Einbandinnendeckel. Guter Zu… More...

ISBN: 9789514519215
[ED: Broschur], [PU: University Helsinki 1980], vom Autor mit privater Widmung versehen, minimale Gebrauchsspuren, DE, [SC: 5.50], leichte Gebrauchsspuren, privates Angebot, 8°, 80, [GW: … More...
1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
Helsinki : Helsinki University Library, 1990. 2. Softcover. Good. Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings.; Small white sticker on front cover., Helsinki : … More...

1990, ISBN: 9789514519215
80 Seiten, Sprache: EnglischTaschenbuch Gut: Small white sticker on front cover. Paperback, illustrated with some reproductions of small b/w drawings. Versand D: 4,95 EUR, [PU:Helsinki : … More...
Bibliographic data of the best matching book
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Details of the book - A.E. Nordenskiold. A Scientist and His Library.
EAN (ISBN-13): 9789514519215
ISBN (ISBN-10): 9514519213
Publishing year: 1980
Publisher: Helsinki University Library, Helsinki
Book in our database since 2007-12-03T12:24:28-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2024-06-03T06:21:46-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 9514519213
ISBN - alternate spelling:
951-45-1921-3, 978-951-45-1921-5
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: esko häkli, nordenskiöld
Book title: nordenskiöld scientist and his library
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A.E. Nordenskiold : A Scientist and His Library (Esko Hakli)
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