ISBN: 0868403873
Taschenbuch, [EAN: 9780868403878], UNSW Press, UNSW Press, Book, [PU: UNSW Press], UNSW Press, 56797011, Biografien & Erinnerungen, 56820011, Ethno & National, 56874011, Fachleute & Akade… More...
Amazon.de (Intern... betterworldbooks__ Gebraucht. Shipping costs:Innerhalb EU, Schweiz und Liechtenstein (sofern Lieferung möglich). Versandfertig in 1 - 2 Werktagen. Die angegebenen Versandkosten können von den tatsächlichen Kosten abweichen. (EUR 3.00) Details... |

1990, ISBN: 0868403873
[PU: Sydney. 1990. New South Wales University Press.], AUSTRALIA PNG PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 1st Ed., in The Modern History series. XIII, 242 PP with 1 family tree "Wedgwood Genealogy"and 1 map… More...
AbeBooks.de Jean-Louis Boglio Maritime Books, CYGNET, TAS, Australia [6486] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] Shipping costs: EUR 16.93 Details... |

1990, ISBN: 9780868403878
Trade paperback, Gebraucht, guter Zustand, Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Shipped to over one million happy customers. Your purch… More...
alibris.com |

1990, ISBN: 0868403873
[EAN: 9780868403878], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: New South Wales Univ Pr Ltd], Biography & Autobiography|General, Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some mark… More...
AbeBooks.de Better World Books, Mishawaka, IN, U.S.A. [51315977] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 4.50 Details... |

ISBN: 9780868403878
Fnac.com : Livraison gratuite et - 5% sur tous les livres. Camilla, Modern History Series (Kensington, N.S.W.), 10. - Livre. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'intern… More...
Fnac.com Nr. Shipping costs:, Le délai dépend du marchand, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 8.30) Details... |

ISBN: 0868403873
Taschenbuch, [EAN: 9780868403878], UNSW Press, UNSW Press, Book, [PU: UNSW Press], UNSW Press, 56797011, Biografien & Erinnerungen, 56820011, Ethno & National, 56874011, Fachleute & Akade… More...

1990, ISBN: 0868403873
[PU: Sydney. 1990. New South Wales University Press.], AUSTRALIA PNG PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 1st Ed., in The Modern History series. XIII, 242 PP with 1 family tree "Wedgwood Genealogy"and 1 map… More...
ISBN: 9780868403878
Trade paperback, Gebraucht, guter Zustand, Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Shipped to over one million happy customers. Your purch… More...
1990, ISBN: 0868403873
[EAN: 9780868403878], Gebraucht, guter Zustand, [PU: New South Wales Univ Pr Ltd], Biography & Autobiography|General, Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some mark… More...
ISBN: 9780868403878
Fnac.com : Livraison gratuite et - 5% sur tous les livres. Camilla, Modern History Series (Kensington, N.S.W.), 10. - Livre. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'intern… More...
Bibliographic data of the best matching book
Details of the book - Camilla: C. H. Wedgwood 1901-1955 a Life (Modern History Series)
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780868403878
ISBN (ISBN-10): 0868403873
Publishing year: 1955
Publisher: UNSW Press
Book in our database since 2007-12-05T12:49:28-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2019-07-24T05:45:48-04:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 0868403873
ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-86840-387-3, 978-0-86840-387-8
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: david wetherell
Book title: wedgwood, camilla, life 1955, kensington history
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