ISBN: 053455640X
[SR: 15231100], Paperback, [EAN: 9780534556402], Wadsworth Pub Co, Wadsworth Pub Co, Book, [PU: Wadsworth Pub Co], Wadsworth Pub Co, Book by Newsom, Doug, 2711, Public Relations, 2698, Ma… More...
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2000, ISBN: 9780534556402
Softcover, Used very good. Minor highlighting. Quantity Available: 1. ISBN: 053455640X. ISBN/EAN: 9780534556402. Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. I… More...
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2000, ISBN: 053455640X
Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 2000. 6th Edition. Paperback. Very Good Condition. Used very good. Minor highlighting. Quantity Available: 1. ISBN: 053455640X. Inventory No: ABE413424688. .… More...
Biblio.com |

ISBN: 053455640X
Book by Newsom, Doug business,business and finance,business and investing,business writing,communication,communication and journalism,communication and media studies,communications,creati… More...
Thriftbooks.com used. Shipping costs:zzgl. Versandkosten., plus shipping costs Details... |

ISBN: 053455640X
[EAN: 9780534556402], Used, good, [PU: Wadsworth Pub Co], Used books cannot guarantee unused access codes or working CD's!
AbeBooks.com FirstClassBooks, Little Rock, AR, U.S.A. [8292164] [Rating: 3 (of 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Shipping costs: EUR 40.43 Details... |

ISBN: 053455640X
[SR: 15231100], Paperback, [EAN: 9780534556402], Wadsworth Pub Co, Wadsworth Pub Co, Book, [PU: Wadsworth Pub Co], Wadsworth Pub Co, Book by Newsom, Doug, 2711, Public Relations, 2698, Ma… More...
2000, ISBN: 9780534556402
Softcover, Used very good. Minor highlighting. Quantity Available: 1. ISBN: 053455640X. ISBN/EAN: 9780534556402. Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. I… More...
ISBN: 053455640X
Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 2000. 6th Edition. Paperback. Very Good Condition. Used very good. Minor highlighting. Quantity Available: 1. ISBN: 053455640X. Inventory No: ABE413424688. .… More...

ISBN: 053455640X
Book by Newsom, Doug business,business and finance,business and investing,business writing,communication,communication and journalism,communication and media studies,communications,creati… More...
ISBN: 053455640X
[EAN: 9780534556402], Used, good, [PU: Wadsworth Pub Co], Used books cannot guarantee unused access codes or working CD's!
Bibliographic data of the best matching book
Details of the book - The Public Relations Writing Exercise Book
EAN (ISBN-13): 9780534556402
ISBN (ISBN-10): 053455640X
Publishing year: 2000
Publisher: Wadsworth Pub Co
Book in our database since 2007-11-30T08:07:40-05:00 (New York)
Book found last time on 2018-11-08T23:26:47-05:00 (New York)
ISBN/EAN: 053455640X
ISBN - alternate spelling:
0-534-55640-X, 978-0-534-55640-2
Alternate spelling and related search-keywords:
Book author: newsom
Book title: exercise style, public relations writing form style, the book
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